Essential & Safety Equipment that is Needed for Your Restaurant and Commercial Kitchen in Houston.

 Restaurants and commercial kitchens are exciting environments for working but at the same time, the most dangerous ones also. They require more safety precautions and must ensure the safety of all workers. Kitchens provide many hazards, including sharp knives, hot ovens, falling objects, electric shocks, and slippery spots. Workers can reduce injuries and liability by using the right restaurant safety equipment. Here are five essential safety equipment items that you should invest in to protect and maintain a safe environment for your Houston kitchen. 

  1. Personal Protective Equipment(PPE): It is important to keep ourselves and others safe in the kitchen because that will save you from spending money seeking treatment. A number of protective tools have been invented while working in the kitchen, Aprons, oven gloves, non-slip footwear to reduce the possibility of burns, cuts, and other injuries. 

Disposable gloves are necessary for food safety and prevent skin and eye irritation resulting from cutting peppers and chilies. Dishwashing gloves and cut-resistant gloves, protect from hot water and prevent skin from being accidentally sliced by sharp knives.

  1. Fire Extinguisher:  Fire extinguisher is extremely important to the safety of our kitchen. Your commercial restaurant should never be without a class K fire extinguisher. Having class K fire extinguishers in your commercial kitchen area is important because it contains fire suppressants optimized for cooking oil fires.

  1. First Aid Kit:  From a minor ailment to a more serious injury, a first aid kit is a must in your residential and as well as a commercial kitchen. As it can help reduce the risk of infection or the severity of an injury. It addresses burns, scalds, abrasions, and knife cuts.


  1. Anti-slip shoes: The floors of a kitchen are often slippery due to regular water and grease spills. So employees should wear safety footwear which provides a better grip, assisting in the prevention of sleeping and falling.

  2. Slip-resistant mats: In areas that may become slippery when wet, anti-skid mats often used to prevent injuries from accidental falls.

Air Dynasty provides services for restaurants & commercial kitchens in Houston and its surrounding areas. It provides 24-hrs emergency services, if you want to repair, replace, maintain and install a new refrigerator, heater, ac, and other equipment we are always here to give you fast and quality services. Grow & glow your restaurant business with us.


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